Thurlstone Primary School - Class 6

Who’s Who

Class Teacher – Mr Nick Peace

Teaching assistant: Mrs Suzannah Bottomley

Year 5 – The Wild Things

Erin and Tobias have lots to say about what life is like in Y5!

Tobias says that it is fun, but it still challenges you. Projects are fun and we get treats if we do well. Mr Peace is very supportive and kind.

Erin says that Mr Peace is funny because he knows when to be serious and when to have a laugh about things.

Tobias really enjoys maths because it is fun. Mr Peace still teaches us but he isn’t boring – he is lots of fun.

Erin really likes to write because she likes to spend a decent amount of time thinking and working.

In Y5 we like to read Roald Dahl and Tom Gates.

These words sum up life in Y5: challenging, enjoyable, happy, interesting, supportive, fun, intriguing.


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