Welcome to the Thurlstone Primary School Website!
We are proud of what our children achieve in all aspects of their education and personal development. (The aims of the school can be found by visiting the prospectus page).
We are fully committed to developing our children spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.
We hope you find the site useful and that it gives you a small taste and feel of “what we’re about.”
Enjoy your visit and feel free to give us any feedback you may have.
Kind regards
Mrs Charlotte Gibbins
Here are some of the many nice things Ofsted said about us:
You can read our most recent Ofsted report by clicking this link.
“Thurlstone Primary School is a happy and successful school. Pupils are very proud to attend.”
“Pupils show high levels of enthusiasm for the subjects they study.”
“Pupils behave extremely well in lessons and at social times.”
“Parents are extremely positive about the school. They see it as the hub of the community.”
“The school meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), including those with a high level of need, extremely well.”
“At social times, pupils play well together. They are friendly and respectful to one another, and to visitors.”
“Leaders are committed to continually improving the school.”
“Leaders are highly praised by parents and staff.”
“Staff morale is high. They are proud to work at the school.”