Full details of our curriculum can be viewed on the Curriculum page.
Invisible - Please Ignore
Aims of the School Community
This means working towards building a school community that:
- Recognises all individuals for their human qualities
- Is welcoming and secure
- Recognises and celebrates all talents and achievements
- Encourages respect for individual differences:
- Gender
- Age
- Race
- Sexual orientation
- Culture
- Delivers the Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum in a broad, balanced and creative way
- Respects, shares and co-operates with one another
- Develops citizens physically, intellectually, morally, spiritually and culturally, who will make positive contributions to the wider world and society
- Strives to develop positive attitudes to learning which are carried through life
- Develops an understanding of different learning needs
- Promotes fun, enjoyment and enthusiasm
The aims ensure we meet the outcomes for Every Child Matters.
The outcomes are:
- To be safe
- To be healthy
- To enjoy and achieve
- To make a positive contribution
- To achieve economic well-being
These aims are displayed along the main school corridor for all to see.
Assessment and Reporting
On entry to full time education children will complete a baseline assessment with their teacher. This information is used together with information from parents and classroom assessment to design programmes of learning for groups and individual children.
There are meetings in the autumn and spring terms to discuss children’s progress. Teachers are available to discuss progress informally at other times. It helps to make an appointment to talk about this important aspect of a child’s education.
A summative report on progress made throughout the year is given towards the end of the summer term.
We recommend and encourage that FS2, Y1 and Y2 spends 30 minutes each week on their homework. Y3 and Y4 should spend 40 minutes and Y5 and Y6 should spend an hour.
FOUNDATION STAGE – Reading activity – sharing a book with an adult. Topic based work as appropriate.
YEAR 1 – Reading activity – sharing a book with an adult. Learning spellings and a topic based work from the homework grid if you like.
YEAR 2 – Regular private reading and reading with an adult. Learning spellings and a topic based work from the homework grid if you like.
YEAR 3 – Regular, sustained private reading, learning spellings and times tables. A topic based work from the homework grid if you like.
YEAR 4 – Regular, sustained private reading, learning spellings and times tables. A topic based work from the homework grid if you like.
YEAR 5 – Regular, sustained private reading, learning spellings and times tables. A topic based work from the homework grid if you like.
YEAR 6 – Regular, sustained private reading, learning spellings and times tables. A topic based work from the homework grid if you like. As the year progresses, there may be other revision based activities.
Class teachers prepare and send home a Homework Grid, which provide a wide variety of purposeful and engaging multiple choice homework tasks. Children are not expected to complete these tasks, but many chose to. Teachers will happily acknowledge the work handed in, but will not provide any written feedback. Children are usually asked to hand their homework in every two weeks.
Our school uniform is as follows:
- Royal blue sweatshirt or hoodie with school logo – Y6 may wear a fleece (with a school logo) as an alternative.
- White or royal blue polo shirt
- Dark grey or black trousers (not joggers) or skirt/pinafore.
- Reception class children may wear black joggers.
- Royal blue checked dresses can be worn during the warmer months
- Black or grey shorts can also be worn during warmer weather
- Black sensible shoes or trainers (no strappy sandals or flashing shoes)
- Trainers can be worn instead of shoes – they should be plain white, black or royal blue
- White, black/grey/dark blue socks or tights
For indoor P.E:
- White T shirt and black shorts, skirt or leotard
Outdoor P.E as for indoor but with trainers, sweatshirt/track suit/jogging bottoms and top for colder weather.
Earring may be worn, but must be small, plain studs. Ideally they should be removed for P.E but school will allow children to keep their earring in if parents send a letter into school requesting their child should be excused from doing so.
Watches can be worn, but school will not accept responsibility if lost or broken.
Hair bows and bands should be small and royal blue in colour.
- Nail embellishments, such as acrylic nails, are not allowed.
- Colourful hair dye is not allowed.
- Necklaces and bracelets should not be worn
Conduct and Discpline
Pupil version of behaviour policy
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
At Thurlstone Primary School we are committed to equality. We believe that all children should have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Children are encouraged to achieve their potential and to be fully involved in all aspects of school life. Our school is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all children, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.
At Thurlstone Primary School we will:
- Identify, at the earliest opportunity, all children that require special consideration in order to support their needs
- Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish
- Promote self-worth and confidence by encouraging independence at all ages and ability levels
- Give everybody the entitlement of achievement and provide suitable provision that promotes the highest levels of progress and achievement for each individual child
- Ensure all children follow the National Curriculum at a pace and level that is appropriate for all abilities
- Ensure that all teaching staff are aware of, and are sensitive to the needs of all pupils; teaching pupils in a way that is appropriate to their needs
- Regularly review and evaluate children’s progress and to work in partnership with parents and children throughout the process.
Each Friday, all parents receive via email a copy of ‘The Shuttle’, which gives information about a range of school related issues. Parents and carers also benefit from regular information up dates via the school’s mobile phone texting service. Additional letters on specific subjects frequently supplements this. The school makes excellent use of Class Dojo as a means of communicating and sharing information in a secure way. The school also has a Facebook page and all classes and the headteacher make excellent use of Twitter.
We have an open door policy and try to make ourselves available as much as possible, however it is always best to phone school and book an appointment if there are specific issues that need discussing.
School Meals
Excellent cooked meals are prepared in the school kitchen. These can be ordered each half term and paid for on the Friday of each week. Alternatively, children may bring packed lunches in which case, the meal should be packed in a sturdy container marked with your child’s name.
Some of you will be able to claim free school meals. Forms are available from the school office.
Click here for our attendance policy.
Ways in Which You Can Help - some "Dos and Don'ts"
- Parents and visitors are asked to report to the office for security reasons when they enter the school.
- The car park may only be used in school hours by staff and official visitors.
- The entrance to the school does become congested at the beginning and end of the school day with parents dropping children off from cars. Please do not obstruct the entrance to the school for safety reasons.
- Dogs (guide dogs excepted) are not allowed on the premises, again for the children’s safety.
- Please try to ensure that your child arrives on time and is collected at the end of the school day promptly. Obviously in an emergency we will look after your child when school has finished.
- If your child is absent from school please ensure you phone to let us know why. If we have not heard from you, we will phone you to find out why your child is not in school. This helps us to administrate school attendance more effectively.
- If your child suffers from an ongoing illness, such as asthma, please make sure that you discuss arrangements for possible medication with staff at the school
- Please ensure you clearly label all your child’s personal and school uniform items.