Thurlstone Primary School - Putting Learning at the Heart of the Community

Meet the Staff!

The team here at Thurlstone Primary is enthusiastic and friendly. We’re dedicated to our jobs and doing the best for the children and it’s this commitment that helped us achieve our Outstanding status from Ofsted in November 2015.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the staff directly – we’re here to help.

Mrs Charlotte Gibbins


DSL, Art, PSHE leader

Miss Kate Brown

Deputy Head

DSL. Leader of phonics and RE leader.

Mr Nick Peace

Year 6 - The Great Explorers

History and DT leader

Mrs Rachel Rodgers

Year 5 - The Wizards

Reading and Science leader

Mr Wayne Hughes

Year 4 - The Warriors

Maths and Computing leader

Mrs Helen Smeaton

Year 3 - The Monstars

Writing and Art leader

Miss Donna Collins

Year 2 - The Wise Owls

DSL and SENDco

Mrs Charlotte Charlesworth

Reception teacher - The Rockets

Library Manager

Mrs Louise Stokoe

Year 1 teacher - The Busy Bees

Curriculum Leader

Mr Guy Foster

P.E teacher and P4Sport Manager

Mrs Zoe Clayton

Foundation stage teacher - The Rockets

Foundations stage leader

Mrs Lisa Hinchliffe


Leader of SMSA team (school meal supervisors).

Mrs Claire Wood

Teaching assistant

Ms Nicola Downey

Teaching Assistant

Miss Rebecca Alderton

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Julie Youel

Teaching Assistant

Ms Gaynor Parry

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Susannah Bottomley

Teaching assistant

Miss Katrina Grange

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Andrea Dransfield

Office Administrator

Mrs Kate Morritt

Senior Office Administrator

Mr Shane Marley

Premises Manager

© Thurlstone Primary School 2017